Vera Ayres Bowen

As president of the Shield Ranch Foundation, Vera Ayres Bowen’s focus is outdoor education and outreach programs. She is passionate about providing opportunities for children and adults to experience beauty and mystery in the natural world.

In her role as Shield-Ayres Foundation president, Vera cultivates community financial support for the nonprofit family foundation’s mission to support human services, social justice, and environmental conservation. She also serves on the advisory council of A ROCHA USA and enjoys actively serving as a member of her church.

Vera finds joy in exploring the natural world and expressing gratitude through artistic expression. She loves playing with her grandchildren and enjoys sharing the Ranch with her grown children and their spouses: Marshall (and his wife Madison), Gentry (and his wife Margaret), Sophie (and her husband Johann), and Mallory. Vera earned a Bachelor of Arts in religion from the University of the South. Born and raised in San Antonio, she now lives in Austin.